CNN says “Turkish Towels: The Travel necessity you need!”
Why you need to bring a Turkish towel when you travel again.
CNN — By Lindsay Tigar
4:28 PM EDT, Mon April 26, 2021
While the concept of traveling again might be exciting, it’s been so long that many of us might have forgotten that the reality of jet-setting isn’t as glamorous as we imagine it. That’s something I experienced firsthand when I traveled nonstop for 15 months, seeing upward of 25 countries spanning six continents.
Yes, the experience was incredible and life-changing. But it also taught me some important lessons about what you actually need on the road — and what you can skip. Like that “Out of Office” sun hat? Great for a photo opp — but definitely not practical when you’re packing light. The one thing you can’t leave home without, however, is a Turkish towel.
This multipurpose wonder item isn’t just great for combating the beach and sand; it also comes in handy no matter what your travel adventures throw at you. After all, if there’s one thing seasoned travelers know best, it’s to expect the unexpected, remain flexible and come prepared.
Want to read more, click on the link below to see what CNN team has to say about Turkish Hammam Towels.